Monday, February 26, 2007

The Vision

Last night, the pastor presented his vision for the church. The Lord is moving! I feel as if fresh air has been let into a stuffy room. My heart is renewed today as I marvel at all of the opportunities we have to serve the Lord, especially through serving others.
We've all heard the old adage: If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he will eat for a lifetime.
Today I read in James 2:
If a brother of sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, "Depart in peace, be warmed and filled," but you do not give them the things which are needed for they body, what does it profit?
Daniel and I had some exciting conversation last night as we discussed not only what God is doing at FBC but also, what He is doing in our own lives. We were discussing the homeless ministry and how we are coming alongside the Trinity Rescue Mission to assist them in what they are already doing, rather than starting a new program from scratch at FBC (which is an understandable viewpoint). The concern of "competing with" Trinity rather than cooperating together was stated (which, again, we completely understand). But Daniel said, "Wouldn't it be great if we as Christians competed with the government in helping people?!" After all, the charge was given to Christians to feed the poor and take care of the widows. Somewhere along the line, we (as a nation and as believers) have developed the idea that it is the government's responsibility to care for the poor. Wouldn't that be awesome, if the church as a whole (not just FBC) took on the welfare system?! What if the church was so open to helping those who need it, that the number of people on welfare in this city started to drop drastically. We could minister to people, witness to them, and disciple them. Imagine what that would do for their life!
We think it is totally possible! GOD is awesome!
As many of you know, we own a house that we keep as a rental property and we are in the process of renting out a second house. I believe the Lord has put it on our heart to put this house into use for the Lord. Please pray with us about this! There are many ways which we can do this. One way that we discussed using the house as a place to help people get off of government assistance. A family could come live there for a year at a reduced rent and would undergo a year-long discipleship type program. They would get the opportunity to advance their education and job skill training, as well as receive financial advice and counseling. They would help in the renovation of the house along the way which will not only teach them to take ownership of something, but it will also allow them to invest in the next family that comes there to stay. In the future (say 5 years) we could sell the house and purchase a multi-unit complex that will allow us to do the same for mulitple families. This whole idea would require the assistance of the church as well as individuals who would be willing to help. This is just an idea, and we are open to God using us in ANY way He sees fit! Please be in prayer with us as we seek God's will for our lives and the ministry he would have us to do.

Remember, we will be at the Trinity Rescue Mission on Saturday, March 3rd from 9:30am - 1:30pm. We are in the process of collecting underwear and socks (new, please!) to donate to them. You can give them directly to either of us, or if you run into one of Daniel's homies at church, you can give it to them as well. Please pray that lives will be touched, believers encouraged, the lost saved, the hungry fed, and the naked clothed. We do it all as unto the LORD!
God bless!

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